I went to the Portland zoo with mom and we got to see the baby elephant! Mom says we will be getting an annual pass when I'm old enough to really appreciate it. :) I loved looking at the fish tanks & turtles. What can I say?! I'm a water guy.
My name is Jake (Jakob Grady Morrow) and I was born on Saturday, June 20th at 9:54am. I weighed 6 lbs, 15 oz and was 21 inches long. I came just in time for Father's Day and right around my due date...a perfect arrival in my mom & dad's eyes!
My Milestones
June 23, 2009 (3 days old)- First trip to Starbucks
July 4, 2009 (2 weeks)- First 4th of July (my parents say this is when I "woke up" because I started to cry A LOT!)
July 10, 2009 (3.5 weeks) - First smile (been smiling ever since!)
July 15, 2009 (4 weeks) - First flight to Denver, CO
August 8, 2009 (6.5 weeks) - First trip to California (second flight!)
August 9, 2009 (6.5 weeks) - First trip to the beach (CA)
September 25, 2009 (3 months) - First trip to the Oregon coast
September 26, 2009 (3 months) - First laugh/chuckle
October 15, 2009 (3.5 months) - Rolled over from belly to back
October 29, 2009 (4 months) - Rolled over from back to belly
October 31, 2009 (4 months) - First Halloween (dressed up as a monkey)
November 7, 2009 (4.5 months) - My first tooth cut through (bottom)
November 20, 2009s (5 months) - My 5-month birthday & sitting up on my own (only a few tumbles)
November 24, 2009 (5 months) - Tasted my first solid food (mom made sweet potatoes)
December 17, 2009 (6 months) - 3rd trip to California
January 10, 2010 (6.5 months) - Started getting up on all fours
January 18, 2010 (7 months) - Discovered splashing in the bathtub
February 13, 2010 - My first cold...it was a nasty one!
February 20, 2010 (8 months) - Slept through the night for the first time!
March 1, 2010 (8 1/2 months) - Started army crawling and rolling around to get to where I wanted to go.
March 26, 2010 (8 1/2 months) - Can move from my belly to my bottom so that I'm sitting up...I'm really mobile now and I love to sit up in my crib when it's time to get my parents up!
April 4, 2010 (9 1/2 months) - My first Easter and the first time I learned to clap my hands. I also learned how to pull up to my feet by grabbing a piece of furniture.
April 15, 2010 (9 1/2 months) - My bottom 2 teeth cut through
April 28, 2010 (10 months) - Using furniture to "walk" around.
May 3, 2010 (10 1/2 months) - Got my first splinter from the deck outside!
what i love to do
the Johnny Jump Up
playing with remote controls (mom calls them "magic sticks")
riding in my BOB stroller
listening to the iTunes mix my mom made me (Black Eyed Peas are favorite!)
hiking with my Sherpani pack
happy hour with mom & dad
going to jim & patty's on saturday morning
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